Join A Challenge On This End Of The Year

Usually at the end of the year a lot of important dates come. It’s the perfect chance to check the “virtual challenges” that are usually shared on social media, so you may discover new people, movies, art… it’s also exhausting to content creators, though!

It starts with Halloween, Dia de muertos or Tosantos, whatever you celebrate, but in social media they’ve been using the term “Spooky Season” for the whole month. A lot of artists usually do Inktober, a challenge to make a drawing a day, following certain guidelines and using ink in their final work. Of course the challenge has diverted a little, even the word Inktober become a trademark and some people stopped using it but kept drawing, so whether is inked or not, you’ll see a lot of art these days! For the ones that weren’t gifted with artistic skills, there was some challenge to share horror movies following, again, certain guidelines.

In November we already know Movember, a movement to raise awareness of so called “masculine” health issues… I won’t enter into the gender debate right now, but it focuses on prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health. It become famous because the main way to join Movember was growing a moustache, but now you can just run 60km and share the records in the app. But last year I read about NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month, and focuses on a simple, yet complex idea: write a novel during November. I’ve enjoyed writing since I was a kid, so probably is the moment to recover that hobby! Last year I started studying my master’s degree on mathematics, and November was the busiest month hands down… so this year is the moment to write those 50K words… with a little sense between each other, of course.

And December comes with the usual advent calendars and… Advent of Code! 24 programming challenges, unlocked daily, that will take you to a usually bizarre christmas story. I’ve dropped the challenges on other years, and I didn’t even started 2020’s because, again, the workload on the master’s degree… but this year may be the one!

As you can see, the end of the year tries hard on building community… so why don’t you join one of those?

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